I woke feeling … improved. I walked through town. Still OK. Biked 20 km to Naousa (and the associated castle).
Then the northern tip of the island. Still OK.
Spend the late morning/early afternoon at the beach, occasionally swimming in the Aegean Sea.
Biked back. Still OK. After hiding from the heat for a while, wandered the city with the cool evening breeze.
Had a blustery headwind on the way out, and a blustery tailwind on the way back. I’d stripped down my gear for the day; the lighter bicycle was blown about a bit more than I anticipated. One long climb in the middle of the way out (and back) – crossing the ridge in the center of the island. A hot ride – while temps are lovely in the shade, the sun beats down on you with no clouds in the sky.
Apparently not my day to die. It’s interesting. Factually I know that the Greek health care system is better than the one in the US (at many levels). However, even having experienced that system, it’s hard to shake the belief that the US system must be better. I mean, more expense equals better, right? Something I didn’t pay a lot of money for must not be good.
The number one cause for ER admissions in the US is stomach pain. Appendicitis (which I had many of the symptoms for) is the number one reason for admission. 5% of all Americans will have appendicitis in their lifetime, and treatment is routine if performed promptly. If not, recovery can be a long and expensive process. Internet searches say, “If you have these symptoms, immediately see a doctor”. Yet it’s easy to see how one might delay going to the ER for the expense, only to have it blow up on you (literally) and end up with a much more expensive process both to you and society.
It’s always possible the Greek doctor missed something. Of course, I’ve had a couple of long runs with medical personnel in the US, seeing more doctors and dentists than I can recollect, where they either misdiagnosed or had no idea what was wrong with me. An error here in Greece still wouldn’t invalidate that the Greek system is better. It’s no wonder Americans who have never left their own state can’t grasp that.
Having already made a hostel reservation in Athens for the two days before my flight, I added one more day to fill in the gap of arriving in Athens the day before my reservations. I don’t expect most bicycle shops to be open Sunday, but the sooner I complete the quest for the bicycle box, the sooner I can enjoy my remaining time in Athens.
The 40 km today mostly ends my cycling in Greece. I have only a short ride to the ferry in the morning. And the ride from the ferry port into Athens. That’s a lot more likely to be my day.