Both Bike Route 1 and the East Coast Greenway led south, sometimes both at the same time. Starting out heavy traffic dogged me. Bikes lanes at times, but not all.

Riding along someone flagged me down. I realized later he must have driven past me and pulled over. Also a cyclist, he wanted to record a conversation of complaints about road safety and cycling. He was … intense, and inaccurate. I moved on.

The ECG routes onto smaller roads, and appears to be more elevation-aware. That said, traffic remained high regardless the route. I eventually chose my own path. Smaller back roads broke the day into ~3 km chunks, back and forth on small back roads. Sometimes very small.

Nearing the hotel, routing went awry. I should have stopped here:

but continued until I reached a wall of trees between me and the hotel. Approaching via more conventional means, I wheeled my bicycle to my room. For the second room in a row, I couldn’t find the remote. For the TV also missing the cable.

No rain today, just heat. Salt encrusted my shirt.

Close to Richmond, I’m looking forward to visiting my friend tomorrow.

112 km.