Already adjustments

RDU > MSY: 11:35 AM > 2:27 PM
Raleigh > New Orleans
May 24, 2022

MSP to RDU: 2:35 pm > 6:10 pm
Minneapolis/St. Paul > Raleigh
Jun 30, 2022

Except that in Delta’s infinite wisdom, they changed my flight arrival time into New Orleans to 4:35 pm. Given the reason I selected the Tuesday (the 24th) flight was for that schedule, I’ve now changed my flight to a day earlier, same flight times. Now let’s see how screwed up my flight from DC the Saturday before becomes.

It usually takes me roughly an hour to unpack, repack, and roll out of the airport (even before lost bicycle considerations). This had been the idea flight. Not arriving at O’dark:30 in the morning at the airport, yet landing early enough to have enough daylight to deal with any issues that arose.

Closer to the trip I’ll probably reach out to some hosts in New Orleans to see if I can secure a place to stay the night of my arrival. Once I’m slightly more certain that my arrival won’t change.