230423-All’s well that ends well

I left a few minutes before Kurt today, with him planning to finish the Trace, while I was headed back towards the Mississippi.

Still low on water, I stocked up on water and supplies at a Dollar General just outside of Vicksburg, which is the default supermarket in rural Mississippi.

I stopped briefly at the National Park in Vicksburg, but find little to interest me in the Civil War, so quickly headed on.

From there it was just riding to the campground, some 90 km from where I started. I arrived to learn their bathhouse is closed and they are not accepting tent campers. I’d passed a primitive state campground 6 km earlier, but decided (after calling ahead) to advance another 20 km to the next campground.

I’ve been welcomed here by everyone. Tim and Robin greeted me with a series of bike touring questions. The site has no showers, but I graciously accepted Tim’s offer to use the shower in their RV. Particularly refreshing, since the site last night also didn’t have showers (or potable water).

Tomorrow should be a short ride of 80 km.

All that said, the scenery and days aren’t that interesting, so I’m likely to decrease my posting frequency.