230417-Deja Vu Again

There are alligators on the Mississippi?? I think I prefer the Bosnian land mines….

Donnie picked me up right on time, and dropped us (me and the bicycle) off for the flight. Dragging the bicycle about, I eventually found the correct kiosk. Except… Oversized Luggage was not accepting luggage due to some technical problem. The collection of staff I slowly acquired worked through that, weighed my carefully-measured 49 lb box, charged me the expected meager $30, and sent me on my way. Still bicycle-equipped, to drag the box to a newly-restored Oversized Luggage. The attendant apologized profusely. I told her she hadn’t even made it into the Top 10. Then swiftly through Security. Checking in without rebuilding the bicycle box or even a second look at Security. They didn’t carefully measure the box, or check that the tires were deflated. I didn’t even need the tape. Weird.

I haven’t flown in a few years. I rode a bus for the Albany trip, and drove up to the C&O before that. Traipsing through the airport is always a combination of chaotic confusion, and coming home.

Then a 3-hour layover in Atlanta. Just enough time for them to lose my bicycle somewhere.

By the time I heard back about the permit for camping at the free site, I’d made a reservation at the New Orleans KOA campground, only a few miles from the airport.

I’m not used to flights so short I can’t finish the movie.

Landed in New Orleans, and asked where oversize luggage would be. The flight attendant assured me everything came out on the carousel. “Golf clubs, skis …” “Bicycle?” I responded duniously, but was assured that was the case. So I went to the carousel where of course my bicycle did not appear. Some wandering about turned it up.

I dragged the box off to a corner and set about reassembling. A couple people wandered up to ask where I was headed. One stayed. He was in New Orleans from Atlanta solely to pick up a passport for his honeymoon in Jamaica. I told him that while he was relaxing on a beach he could think how much better that was than cycling to Canada.

Now with the shorter ride to the KOA I set off on the dark. What I hadn’t considered was the decreased traffic at 10:30 pm. The night was cool, and once I convinced my GPS I wasn’t in Pennsylvania I has a short ride to the campground. Where the gate was locked and dark.

Fortunately a quick circumnavigation found another entrance, a friendly night guard, and a campsite in short order.

I can’t get to Baton Rouge tomorrow, but there’s not much between here and there. Will see.

Alligators. Why does there have to be alligators?